BBAW: Day 4- The Social Network


The topic for today is about how I use social media to help my reading and book blogging. I did kind of answer this yesterday, but I thought I’d explain a bit more about how I use the blog and connect with other people.

I usually blog here once I’ve read a book; at the moment it’s a bit slow  as I’m working my way through the first two books of my Bronte challenge and they’re quite hefty. I started the blog as a way of keeping track of my reading habits- before then, I used to write in a notebook, which I would always misplace! I also keep a quick visual guide of what I’ve read on my Pinterest board (it’s also a good place to store images of books to be used later on.) I’m a bit rubbish at using Pinterest for other things, but have used it consistently for the purpose of documenting books. I am also hopeless at using Goodreads!

My main channels of publicising my posts-and chatting about what I’ve read- are Twitter and my personal Facebook page. I love Twitter, as it feels natural to have conversations about books there. I follow a ton of authors, publicists and fellow book bloggers, so I always know that I’ll find help or a good recommendation quickly.

Although the blog is a year old, I am relatively shy about taking part in blogger things, but I am starting to get better at it- hence why I signed up for BBAW! Do let me know if you have any tips!


  1. My favorite gif! Twitter is one of my favorite ways of connecting, too – it’s a nice and easy way of catching up on anything I’ve missed and getting in touch with people. Glad to see you decided to join in on BBAW!


  2. My biggest tip is to just jump in!! I can understand being shy, but book bloggers are generally all so incredibly friendly and participating in events like this one is a great way to meet others. Glad you joined in!

    I use Pinterest a lot of recipes but need to start using it for bookish things! Thanks for the idea.


  3. First of all, that GIF is adorable!
    Twitter is great for connecting with those you might never otherwise “meet.”
    If you like BBAW, I suggest joining Armchair BEA. It is also great fun.


  4. That initial blogging shyness can be so hard to overcome! I hope the community is being welcoming and such — I know that when I was a newish blogger, I was tremendously nervous to comment on other people’s blogs. Everyone else seemed so much more experienced than me and I didn’t want to say something stupid. But it’s ended up being really rewarding for me, and I’ve made such nice blogging friends.

    You are probably ALL SET and everything, but if you ever do have any questions about blogging or if there’s anything I can help with, please feel free to email me any time. I’m not, like, some hotshot blogger by any means, but I’d help with anything I could. 🙂 readingtheend AT gmail DOT com.


  5. That GIF is adorable. I love Twitter too! It feels like such an easy way to communicate not just with fellow bloggers but with authors as well. It totally makes my day whenever an author replies to one of my tweets.

    Glad you decided to join BBAW even if you’re feeling shy. The book blogging community is just lovely, I’m sure you’ll meet some wonderful people as you go along.


  6. That GIF made me laugh out loud–so cute! I’ve been blogging for ten years (seven with a book blog), and I am still shy, so don’t feel bad! Like anything else, the more you show up, the easier it gets. I always hate leaving comments when it seems like everyone sort of knows everyone else, but by the time you visit someone three or four times, it’s easy to feel more at home. And most bloggers are very friendly!


  7. Love your kitty! We each have to figure out where we want to put the time we have in order to connect. And from going around today, I can see that we all have different methods, but we all manage to stay in touch. And that’s a good thing!


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